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baby's first holiday checklist

Baby's First Holiday - 31 Helpful Questions to Ask Before You Fly

Taking your baby on their first holiday is a parent-pleasing milestone—or at least, it should be. But from having more gear than you'd need to scale Everest to losing sleep over how you'll wrangle a crawling baby on a packed-out easyJet flight, traveling with babies can be a challenge.

The secret to keeping your sanity? Asking the right questions before you even leave home.

Imagine breezing through the airport, travel pram in tow, and arriving at your resort with everything you need perfectly in place. Sounds like a dream, right? We’ve put together a list of must-ask questions for your airline and resort. Your dream will be a reality.

Get ready to enjoy a (sort of) worry-free holiday with your little one. Just keep the Calpol, Google and the Babysitting service on standby. Kidding. Kinda.

Airline Travel

  • Can I pre-book my seat (without charge) as I am travelling with an infant?
  • Can I book the bassinet?
  • Do you allow luggage for infants?

FTC Tip: Pack a baby changing bag for your flight that doubles as a beach bag. You'll love this bag's wipe-clean fabric - chic but hardy enough to survive leaky baby food pouches and melted ice-cream. 


  • Are you able to organise transfers with baby seats?
  • Are your transfer cars equipped with isoFix?
  • Does the transfer car have enough boot space for luggage and a pushchair?

Room Set-up & Baby Kit

  • Is there enough space for a travel cot - and when assembeled, is there enough space to freely move around the room?⁠
  • Can I access the balcony / outdoor space without going past the baby? (Eating dinner in the bathroom or be trapped outside during nap time is less than ideal)⁠
  • Are the curtains black out?⁠
  • What baby kit is on site? Bath mat? Stair gate? Steriliser? Bottle warmer (if not available, pack a kitchen jug to warm bottles in)⁠
  • Do you have private Wifi for baby monitors?⁠
  • Is there a bath or can you supply a baby bath? (showering a *slippery baby is comical and stressful)⁠
  • Can we request a ground floor room?⁠
  • Can the external door be locked at a height so toddlers can't access the latch?⁠

FTC Tip: Pregnant and postpartum bodies can run hot thanks to hormones. Pack nightwear with hotter nights in mind. 

Pool & Activities

  • Is there step free access to the beach / pool / main areas?⁠
  • Do you supply pool towels?⁠
  • Is there an easy route for buggy naps?⁠
  • Is the pool / baby pool heated? (Tip: Fresh water pools can be chilly)⁠
  • Are there any in-door activities for children?
  • How close is the nearest play park?

Eating Out (or In)

  • Do you cater for allergies?⁠
  • Does the room have a coffee machine and what pods does it use? #essential
  • Are you able to supply milk / oat milk to the room?
  • Is there a fridge in the room?⁠
  • Do we need to book meals before arriving? (Tip: It’s frustrating to discover on arrival that the best restaurants fully booked)⁠
  • Are you to put a highchair in the room? (Tip: this is great for 5am breakfast pouches)

Life's Essentials

  • Is there a Dr on-site?
  • Does the on-site supermarket sell nappies? ⁠
  • Does the on-site supermarket sell formula and if so, which brands?
  • How close is the nearest pharmacy?⁠

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