Welcome to The Final Push—a new series where we delve into the final months of pregnancy. We begin with Jazmine Rocks, mama to Bluebelle, who is in the final weeks of her second pregnancy.

"I honestly don’t think I have the words to fully describe it"
How would you describe your pregnancy up until now?
Long! I’ve been pregnant since 2023, so I’m counting down the days until I get to meet my baby. Plus, pregnancy when you have a toddler really is a different ball game…
Has this pregnancy felt different to your last?
I definitely had more time to romanticise my first pregnancy and really lean into more self care, nesting, and ‘me time’. Now that I have a toddler that keeps me on my toes, there is less time to rest and enjoy those tiny pregnancy moments, as every day is so full on.
I naturally feel so much more knowing this time, too - I spent so much time reading, researching and overthinking during my first pregnancy, whereas this time I’m taking more things in my stride.
This pregnancy we also found out the sex of the baby, which we didn’t do last time, so that’s a whole different experience too.
" One piece of advice I have is not calling your ‘birth plan’ a ‘plan’ - I’ve written mine as my wishes, hopes and intentions, knowing that anything could happen "

Have you changed anything about your daily routine in this pregnancy?
Not particularly –just trying to rest when I can by napping when my daughter has her afternoon nap.
Have you found it tricky to dress your pregnant body?
I've really enjoyed dressing my bump and figuring out different ways to wear and style both my ‘regular’ clothes and my collection of maternity pieces, too. It’s amazing to see how much more considered maternity fashion is compared to what was on the market many years ago; I love that so many brands are creating clothes which not only work for the second and third trimester, but are suitable beyond pregnancy - for postpartum and breastfeeding.
How are you preparing for birth second-time around?
I had a really positive and open mindset during my first labour and birth, so I’m trying to have the same mindset this time–though it is a little harder as I know what to expect and am much more clued up this time.
❕ One piece of advice I have is not calling your ‘birth plan’ a ‘plan’ - I’ve written mine as my wishes, hopes and intentions, knowing that anything could happen, but having clear wishes and boundaries that I hope to be maintained throughout.
What 3 learnings do you have from your last birth?
- Pack less in your hospital bag: partners or family can go and pick up things up.
- Pack an eye mask: I wore one for hours during my first labour and it was such a game changer.
- Ask for help afterwards, especially when it comes to food prep and cooking,
Lastly, what names do you love but won't be using?
We are having a boy and still deciding on names, but if we were having another girl, I had Primrose, Aurora and Olive on my list.
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